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VMA is not the Video Music Awards?

In the world of concrete, viscosity modifying admixtures (VMAs) are chemical additives that are used to modify the rheological properties of concrete, improving its flowability and workability. These admixtures are commonly used in a variety of applications, including high-performance concrete, self-consolidating concrete, and precast concrete.

How do Viscosity Modifying Admixtures Work?

VMAs work by altering the water-to-cement ratio in the concrete mix, which affects the viscosity and flow properties of the mix. The admixture interacts with the cement particles, allowing the mix to be more fluid while maintaining its strength and durability.

Types of Viscosity Modifying Admixtures

There are several different types of VMAs, including:

  1. Polycarboxylate-based Admixtures: These admixtures are based on polycarboxylate ether chemistry and are highly effective at reducing the viscosity of concrete. They are commonly used in self-consolidating concrete and high-performance concrete.

  2. Cellulose-based Admixtures: These admixtures are made from natural cellulose fibers and are used to improve the workability of concrete. They are commonly used in precast and shotcrete applications.

  3. Starch-based Admixtures: These admixtures are made from modified starch and are used to improve the workability of concrete while reducing the amount of water needed in the mix. They are commonly used in precast and shotcrete applications.

Benefits of Viscosity Modifying Admixtures

There are several benefits to using VMAs in concrete, including:

  1. Improved Workability: VMAs improve the flow properties of the concrete, making it easier to place and finish.

  2. Reduced Segregation: VMAs help to reduce the segregation of the concrete, ensuring that it remains uniform throughout the mix.

  3. Increased Strength: VMAs can increase the strength of the concrete by allowing it to be more densely packed and reducing the amount of water needed in the mix.

  4. Reduced Permeability: VMAs can reduce the permeability of the concrete, making it more resistant to water and other forms of damage.

Applications of Viscosity Modifying Admixtures

VMAs are commonly used in a variety of applications, including:

  1. Self-consolidating Concrete: VMAs are essential in self-consolidating concrete to ensure that the mix remains fluid and flows easily into place.

  2. Precast Concrete: VMAs are commonly used in precast concrete to improve the workability of the mix and reduce the amount of water needed.

  3. Shotcrete: VMAs are used in shotcrete applications to improve the flow properties of the mix and reduce rebound.


Viscosity modifying admixtures are an essential component of modern concrete mix design, allowing for improved workability, reduced segregation, and increased strength and durability. With the wide range of applications and benefits, VMAs will continue to be a crucial tool in the construction industry for years to come.

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